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Skin-Lightening Practices among Female Senior High School Students in Four Districts in Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana

Show simple item record Michael, Osei 2023-03-22T14:29:30Z 2023-03-22T14:29:30Z 2017-04
dc.description MPH en_US
dc.description.abstract Introduction Despite the public, physiological and emotional effects that skin-lightening presents, it has become a popular practice among individuals of different age groups, gender and religious affiliations in Ghana and worldwide. An objective observation would identify a particular group as being mostly involved in the practice than the others. Upon this setting, this study investigated skin-lightening practices among female senior high school students in four districts in Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana. Methods The instrument employed for the study was self-administered Questionnaire designed by the researcher. The data collected were analyzed as descriptive and bivariate using percentages, mean and chi-square test statistical measures and logistics regression to determine the prevalence of skin-lightening creams, their perceived advantage and the level of knowledge of awareness of harmful effects. Results The sample included four hundred and ten female students across four senior high schools in Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana. The major findings revealed that female senior high school students highly engaged in skin-lightening practices as a method of receiving desired attention, prettier, attractive and relationship from the opposite sex and charm the desired marriage partners. The study revealed after a bivariate analysis on the relationship between socio-demographic characteristics of the students and the likelihood that they have used a skin-lightening cream, shows that age, religion, ethnic group, place of residence, monthly pocket money and status of the students has no significant influence on the practice regarding skin-lightening while form (class) has significant influence (OR= 1.90, p= 0.04 95 CI 1.15-3.13). Conclusion Therefore, Counsellors, Ghana Education Service, Curriculum Development Division and the entire policy makers should include health education into their syllabus to enlighten female students on best practice in body beautification and guide them on life building skills such as assertiveness, decision making and healthy living. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Ensign Global College en_US
dc.subject Skin-Lightening Practices en_US
dc.subject Female Senior High School Students en_US
dc.subject Districts in Brong Ahafo Region en_US
dc.title Skin-Lightening Practices among Female Senior High School Students in Four Districts in Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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